miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012


Today we are puting a little bit of humor on the blog for all the styles of music. We hope you can enjoy it. To begin with this we present to you some Jazz jokes.

How does a jazz musician end up with a million dollars?
By starting out with two million dollars.

What's the difference between a jazz musician and an extra large pizza?The pizza can feed a family of four.

Why do Jazz musicians stand in line at the bank?
No one knows.

What do you call a jazz musician without a girlfriend?

What is the difference between a jazz musician and an insurance policy?
An insurance policy eventually matures and makes money.

What do you say to a jazz musician with a steady job?
Two Big Macs and a large order of fries.

1 comentario:

  1. I think this is a great blog!! I can see that the music is your passion so I think is interesting and funny! Congratulations!!!

    Daniela Notabile
