lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

20 Things You Didn't Know About Rock N' Roll

01. When "Stairway To Heaven" is played backwards, you can hear the phrase "oh here's to my sweet satan..the one who's little path would make me sad, whose power is satan..he'll give you give you 666 there was a little toolshed where he would make us suffer, sad in the part of "if there's a bustle...".

02. The mighty final chord of The Beatles' "A Day In The Life" was played by ten hands in three pianos simultaneously: Lennon's, Mc Cartney's, Starr's, Martin's (their manager?) and Evan's (their roadie).

03. The Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" is called like this because of an insult between bandmates. When Brian Wilson showed Mike Love (the band's singer) the new material, he said "Who the hell is going to listen to this?...the ears of a dog?".

04. Bob Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited" is named after the route that goes through Bob's home state, Minesota, and enters the Mississippi delta.

05. "London Calling" was part of a catch phrase ("Good morning America, this is the London Calling!") of a BBC show during World War II, of which the The Clash's guitarists Joe Strummer was a fan.

06. The night of Jimi's first gig, Jeff Beck was coming out of the club and outside he ran into Eric Clapton and Pete Townshend. With a frightened expression he told them "I think we're in trouble here!".

07. Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) has Bonzo's (Led Zeppelin's drummer) symbol, three intersecting symbols tattooed on his forearm.

08. "Layla" was written by Eric Clapton to steal George Harrison's wife, Patty Boid. Layla was the nickname Eric had given her inspired by a turkish legend (not so sure about that) in which Layla was the main character.

09. Zepp's "Black Dog" is called like this because when they were recording the song, a huge black dog entered the studio, that was located in a rather ...rural setting.

10. The Young brothers's sister was the one who recommended the school uniform to Angus for their first gig (Angus's age was publicized as being 15 to go with the school boy outfit) (thanx Evil Kid 93).

11. Steve Morse's (Deep Purple) guitar has 11 different pickup positions.

12. In 1968 Jimi Hendrix bought a studio located in the 52 West Eight Street, Greewnwich Village, New York, with the idea of transforming it into a nightclub. His sound tecnician convinced him of turning it into a studio and in August 27th 1970 "Electric Lady" officialy opened it's doors. Both recording rooms haven't changed a bit since Jimi jammed there (one still has the same paints hanging on the walls and sofas, and the other -Purple Haze- still has the purple console). When The Clash recorded "Sandinista!" there, they swear Jimi's spirit added an extra guitar line in the album. That may sound weird (and stoned) but the truth is that doors close on their own, floors creak and a magic can be sensed in the air (or so they say).

13. The three...symbols? in the cover of The Police's "Ghost In The Machine" are supposed to represent the band's three integrants...though no one knows why or which is which.

14. The Yardbirds were the ones who gave Clapton the nickname "Slowhand".

15. According to the South Park kids, The Cure's "Disintegration" is the best album of all

16. Def Leppard's drummer, Rick Allen, lost an arm in a car crash in the mid-eighties. However, Rick decided to keep on playing, and learned to do it with his feet and some programmed drum lines. The band continued as normal, and their next album with their "new" drummer was "Pyromania".

17. Mitch Mitchell, The Jimi Hendrix Experience's drummer took his first drum lessons with Jim Marshall (that's right, the guy who made amps!)

18. Van Halen's "5150" is named after Eddie's Peavey 5150 amp, which is built exclusively for him.

19. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was the name (or slogan..not so sure) of a deodorant brand.

20. Jimi got the inspiration for "Purple Haze" after having a dream where he could walk underwater.

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